Escort info: Height: 169 centimeters Weight: 60 kg Age: 30 Hair Color: Blond Eye Color: Blue Sexual Pref: Heterosexual Home Country: Russia
About meHello gentlemen's! I am fitness trainer and master of sport. Will be nice to make sweet company with you:)
Only Outcall
2h 250€+Uber
See you/ Kisses
Contact InformationPhone: +79099299912 Whatsapp Only
Reviews 37
Add Your ReviewΔεν υπάρχουν λόγια για την Λιλιάνα!! Κανένα ψέμα στις φωτογραφίες, πολύ καλή στη συζήτηση και τα υπόλοιπα τα διαβάζετε και σε άλλα reviews. απλώς τέλεια!!
Το καλύτερο μου μέχρι τώρα !! Η κοπέλα πανέμορφη πιο όμορφη και απο τις φωτογραφίες !! Ευχάριστη κάνει τα πάντα για να σε ευχαριστήσει...Πίπα σεμινάριο(πρέπει να κάνει ιδιάιτερα σε πολλές !!), κορμί κορμάρα θανατηφόρο κωλάρα όλα τα λεφτα..Και το προσωπάκι τις μου άρεσε πάρα πολύ..Ότι και να πώ είναι λίγα το τέλειο escort κατα την άποψη μου..Πέρασα τέλεια Και απο επικοινωνία σκίζει το μωρό θα την ξανασυναντούσα σίγουρα!!!
Liliana is an amazing woman. She is incredibly beautiful and her body is perfect. Her blowjob technique is very good.. She wants to satisfy you in every way and if you treat her gently will return you the favor in multiple times.!! She is perfect for gfe. I thought she was my girlfriend.. I'll meet her for sure again.
Meeting for 1 hour, just wanted a blowjob and finished in her mouth, unfortunately some drops on the face but she took it really professional and continued. Good massage and the she asked for a second round, which I gladly accepted ????
She gives very good blowjobs and wants the customer to leave satisfied. Thx for your work ????
Είναι μερικές φορές που θες να περιγράψεις μια εμπειρία αλλά είσαι σίγουρος πως τα λόγια δεν μπορούν να αποτυπώσουν αυτό που βίωσες. Κάτι τέτοιο μου συνέβη χτες με την Λιλιάνα και για αυτό μπαίνω για πρώτη φορά στη διαδικασία να γράψω εδώ μέσα.
Την είχα δει πολύ καιρό αλλά δεν έτυχε να δουλεύει Αθήνα όποτε έμπαινα να τσεκάρω. Αυτή τη φορά δεν έχασα την ευκαιρία. Έκλεισα ραντεβού και πήγα να την βρω αμέσως μετά τη δουλειά, έχοντας αμφιβολίες για την κατάστασή μου αλλά το ρίσκαρα.
Με το που την είδα ξέχασα πώς με λένε. Ντουζάκι γρήγορα και ξάπλα στο κρεβάτι κι αρχίσαμε να τα λέμε με αρκετά καλή συνεννόηση. Άρχισαν τα πρώτα χάδια σε ένα δέρμα που συναντάς μια στο εκατομμύριο. Το δέρμα της είναι τόσο απαλό που θες να την αγγίζεις με τις ώρες. Άρχισαν σιγά σιγά και τα φιλιά με πάθος όσο περνούσε η ώρα και κατέβηκε προς τα κάτω.
Είχε κάτσει με τέτοιο τρόπο που ήταν αδύνατον να μην την φέρω σε θέση για 69, κάτι που κάνω για πρώτη φορά στη ζωή μου, παρότι δεν είμαι μικρός. Επίσης, είναι η τρίτη κοπέλα που γλείφω ποτέ μου, και όταν της το είπα έμεινε με ανοιχτό το στόμα (μάλλον κάτι έκανα καλά). Ανέβηκε πάνω μου και βρήκαμε κατευθείαν ρυθμό και χημεία.
Όλα ήταν κάτι παραπάνω από τέλεια. Εδώ να σημειώσω ότι δεν τελειώνω γρήγορα ποτέ, ενώ ήμουν σίγουρος ότι δεν θα τελειώσω δεύτερη φορά γιατί δεν το έχω κάνει ποτέ δύο φορές μέσα σε μια ώρα. Συνήθως αντέχω μια φορά για μια ώρα. Κρατιόμουν λοιπόν για να το απολαύσω όσο καλύτερα μπορώ αλλά με έφτασε στα όρια μου κι άφησα κατάθεση μέσα στο υπέροχο στόμα της μετά από περίπου 20 λεπτά.
Λέω από μέσα μου, όσο και να με καυλώνει, δύσκολα θα καταφέρει να με κάνει να τελειώσω και δεύτερη φορά. Μπαίνω για ένα γρήγορο ντουζακι και βγαίνοντας μου λέει να μου κάνει μασάζ. Κάνουμε το μασαζάκι και συνεχίζουμε να τα λέμε σε πολύ καλό ύφος.
Μετά από λίγο ξεκινάει πάλι το γλείψιμο και μου φοράει σκουφάκι για δεύτερο γύρο. Στο σημείο αυτό να πω ότι είναι πέρα για πέρα αληθινή στης αντιδράσεις της στο πεδίο μάχης. Βγαλμένη από τα καλύτερα και πιο υγρά όνειρα. Και τελικά κατάφερε το ακατόρθωτο, να τελειώσω για δεύτερη φορά μέσα σε μισή ώρα. Της αξίζει ένα στέμμα πιστεύω!
Η Λιλιάνα είναι ο λόγος που δεν νομίζω να επισκεφθώ άλλη Escort, παρότι πριν από εκείνη είχα επισκεφτεί μόνο άλλες 5. Μόνο Λιλιάνα όποτε έρχεται Αθήνα κι ελπίζω να είναι σύντομα!
Μωράκι σε ευχαριστώ για όλα, ήσουν κάτι παραπάνω από υπέροχη και σίγουρα θα τα ξαναπούμε. Να προσέχεις.
ΥΓ Το δωμάτιο ήταν αντάξιο της λάμψης και της ομορφιάς της Λιλιάνας, έχει γούστο το μωρό ξέρει τι διαλέγει ????
Η απόλυτη εμπειρία της απόλυτης τελειότητας. Κορμί και αγγελικό αλλά και αθλητικό. Δυνατός μυικός τόνος αλλά και μεταξένια απαλότητα. Ιλλιγγιώδεις καμπύλες αλλά και μέση χορεύτριας. Πρόσωπο γυναίκας και κοριτσιού, ερωμένης και παιδικής φίλης. Καυτό, αναστενάρικο σεξ. Γελαστή, λαμπερή, θετική κι ευωδιαστή. Θα ήταν ψέμα αν δεν ήταν απλά ποίημα
A very beautiful and bright girl who made my boring vacation worth. Respect her (like we should all do with every girl) and she will pay you back. Thanks again my dear Liliana. We will meet again!!!
Liliana is like a treasure for me!!!Very beautifull and sexy, beyatiful eyes,great body..by the minute she opens the door i was amazed!!!
Very unique and great personality-Classy Girl!
I really enjoy our meeting and i think she is most iconic girl i have met.
Thank you so much..take care
I have been with many escorts and many normal ladies and i have to say Liliana you are at the top of my list easily. Guys do your selfs a favor and book this stunning, original, breathtaking, elegant, clean, healthy, smart, insanely hot Princess. If you go in there and be a gentleman like you suppose to be when you have this beauty next to you and you will have the time of your life. Loved everything about you and we had a lot in common and i loved the chat after sex as well. Ok hands down best body i have ever seen!Unreal butt, face of an angel and breasts that will have your jaw drop. Plus her skin is just unbeliavable. Liliana its Νick here i hope you remember me and wherever you tour in Greece you bet i will find you and book with you again! Bye sweet angel.
Η Λιλιάνα είναι μια υπέροχη κοπέλα και αισθάνομαι πολύ τυχερός που την συνάντησα! Πανέμορφη, γυμνασμένη, χαμογελαστή, μορφωμένη, έξυπνη! Με λίγα λόγια, Τ Ε Λ Ε Ι Α !!!! Φερθείτε της καλά, με τον σεβασμό και την φροντίδα που αρμόζει σε ένα τόσο υπέροχο πλάσμα και δεν θα χάσετε! Να είσαι καλά και να προσέχεις τον εαυτό σου Λιλιάνα! Σε ευχαριστώ για τις εξαιρετικές στιγμές που μου χάρισες! Είσαι ένας πραγματικός θησαυρός! Φιλιά πολλά παντού!
Liliana benim buradaki açık ara favorim. Bir yılın biraz üzerinde bir aradan sonra nihayet ikinci defa buluşabildik. artık ikinci defa olmasından mı kaynaklanıyor bilemiyorum ama kesinlikle muhteşem bi görüşme oldu. londradaki eski LMP günlerime geri döndüm. acayip bir heves acayip bir iştah, kim kimi sikti belli olmayan bi görüşme:) sohbeti olsun güzelliği olsun tam anlamıyla hasret kaldığım sevgilimle buluşmuş gibi oldu. her şey için çok çok teşekkürler! Artık tabiki herkes için aynı olmayabilir, belki bizim kimyamız tutuyo fakat çok farklı yani... Bence bu güzelliğin rakibi yok
Vücut olarak kesinlikle çok atletik (kaslı), onu bilerek gitmek lazım fakat memeleri, nipplelar daracık kutusu olsun i-na-nıl-maz! mis gibi ve kesinlikle çok iyi
Bolca sohbet ettik aksiyona giriştik, benim için süper bir görüşme oldu.
Hands down the very best meeting I ever had anywhere in the world. thank you so much Liliana!!
Son zamanlarda gördüğüm en güzel kızlardan birisi. Sarı saçları, mavi gözleri ve spor yaptığını gösteren fit vücudu gerçekten muhteşem. Kapıyı çok seksi bir kıyafet ile açtı, ilk görüşte güzelliğine hayran kaldım, güzel bir karşılama ile odaya geçtim. Çok iyi derecede İngilizce konuşuyor, iletişim çok iyi ama yataktaki becerilerini anlatmam gerekirse sanırım kelimeler yetmez
Güzel bir ön sevişme ile başladık, sonra harika bir oral performansı izlemeye başladım dilini harika kullanıyor, Liliana resmen bana rüyamı, hayallerimi yaşatıyordu. Sonrasında harika seks pozisyonları denedik ve hepsinin sonunda çok rahatladığım orgazmlar yaşadım. Bu güzellik anlatılmaz yaşanır. Tekrar ve tekrar ziyaret edilecek kadar güzel ve özel bir kız
Kız resimlerdekinden daha kalın.. Ancak görüştüğüm en temiz ve fit kızdı. İletişim gayet güzel bj aceleye gelmeden sakin sakin ve deep. Özellikle çok estetik bir kutusu var. Kuku Dudakları dışarda ve hafif etli. Ben bayıldım. Tekrar giderim net.
One word to describe Liliana: fantastic.
You are a princess and time with you in heaven.. Perfect body, satin skin, eyes incredible... Take care of you, Liliana. Kisses
Liliana is really an admirable top escort. I arrived tired and I went away full of energy. She is an expert who knows how to adapt while being very understanding and at the same time to be totally GFE. Liliana like Princess (coming from beauty fairytale), whom I had the chance to hold in my arms...for a wonderful journey in mutual ecstasy without restraint...her panoply of seduction is incomparable to arrive crescendo to the relative explosion of the senses and sensual fireworks to savor without moderation). Thank you delicious and distinguished LADY. See you soon,tender kisses...
The best I’ve ever met in my life. Pictures are 100% real, services are delicious!!! All the fakes written before shouldn’t be believed because I can give you for granted that this girl is really a dream that comes trueNice to meet you!!!
WORST GIRL EVER! Shes rude! ignorant and her pussy smells bad. she steals your money. with 100 you can fuck 2 ladies. She doesn't care about her customers.
What can I say!!! Awesome girl with awesome lips and body to die for. She is a girl which will make you at ease and is a bomb. She is one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen. Thanks for having me
Liliana is your girlfriend from the moment,when door is opened. During all bright hour she was very welcome,with radiant smile,begins in GFE mode, very sensual and over the course of the session it raises the "temperature", not hesitating to encourage my a little ‘hot’ words)) So much enthusiastic,energy and her face(especially eyes and lips)-beautiful ,fit body,elastic skini-amazing !!!I To conclude,I would say that Liliana is a young lady really very nice, cheerful and quite playful, tease and naughty too. Be a gentleman, respect her and she will give you the best of herself. My hags only for you,my little angel.
This is the second time my rendezvous with Liliana,because I came back to see her, transported by my first experience and feelings. I was lucky enough to come across a divine girl, and . ravenous. I was so inspired to take 2 hours. In general, she has big wonderful eyes and looked at me before the end. There, she did amazing stuff . I love her breasts and buttocks dream, back and legs...My maximum score 10/10 for her physique and her very sweet but exiting services.She is very nice, very laughing. Lili,I already miss you...I will not loose the chance to see you next time. Thank you bebe.
I met this lovely girl today. She was amazing, impressive, unique, and so so excellent in everything. That was the best experience of my life. I’ll never forget that dreaming hour. I strongly recommend her. I certainly want to see her again.
Thank you so much honey. (Muhammad)
The quintessential and most exquisite girl in town. The experience was brutal and intense. She is everything at his best. The real non plus ultra.
Active with attention to the details, romantic aggressive a true chameleon. She knows how make your muscles, bones and soul vibrate. A real must to do experience once in life. Flirting the line of sex / love experience.
So amazing that she left part of her in my eyes and soul.
To me she is the real archetype of a girlfriend.
Her body is from heaven and she moves in bed hot as demon. I just can say one thing: I will be back...
Liliana is the girl of the next door, she is your colleague at work which is the reason that you are motivated to go to work every day, she is also your classmate at the university where all the boys dream to have her as a girlfriend. She is 'THE' girlfriend experience. She is very attractive woman, with positive energy, sensitive, kind, and lovable. She is very polite and emotional. I am sure that she is getting marriage proposals every day. And this is the risk with that woman, it is very hard not to fall in love her. She is the best character that I ever met in these business.
Having saying the above, it is obvious that you need to treat her well in order receive the most from her in bed and GFE. In my opinion she is not the girl for a quick session but the girl for long term meetings, in order to discover her world and believe me this girl has many things to discuss. Her English are very good so for those who are looking for an ‘escort’ for outing (dinner etc) she is the right one and believe me all the people in the restaurant they will envy you.
On the session now, I think I had sex with my best girlfriend. She has a perfect shaped silicone breast ‘C cup’ that you cannot stop kissing it and touching it throughout the meeting, then this sweet kissable pussy, my tongue couldn’t stop licking it, then the blowjob was wet and deep. We were both ready for the explosion, and we entered into the action, it was a mutual attraction, you are making love with that woman and not just sex. You feel her body in your body and you are wondering if this is real or you are dreaming. Perfect match. You wish the clock to stop in order to enjoy the moment not for 1 hour but for days and weeks.
After we finished she informed me that she is in the business for only 1 year and she has a target to earn some money very quick and to stop as soon as possible because she is not the girl for that job. She also informed me that she may not visit Cyprus again. I was very sad for those information because I thought that I found a girl in Cyprus for regular meetings, but, unfortunately all the good things in life are short term, like happiness. However, I am very happy that I met such girl and I will keep this memories for ever. Thank you Liliana for everything and I wish to change your mind and visit Cyprus again. Kisses.
Μια υπέροχη συνάντηση μετα απο πολυ καιρό!Ειναι Πανέμορφη με τέλειες αναλογιες κ πολυ ευχάριστη κοπέλα.Οι υπηρεσίες τηςάψογες γι αυτο της βαζω σε ολα 10/10.Θα την ξαναδω σύντομα!